When I don't know something, I look it up with a web search. My deep dark secret? I don't actually know a lot of the technical details. While the concepts in this blog are technical in nature, there isn't a lot of technical detail. This article applies to both MacOS and Linux, and describes differences when necessary. Because Linux and MacOS are both UNIX-like operating systems, there's very little difference between the two. My web server is a Debian 7 Linux system, but I set up a second server and WordPress site on my MacBook Pro as a test. This article focuses on the accessibility issues I encountered with WordPress, the WordPress plugins I installed, and the web-based services I used.
I used Safari, VoiceOver, and Terminal on MacOS v10.13.4 High Sierra for the entire process. Pros and cons to both approaches are described in this article comparing to DIY WordPress. I know, the average AppleVis reader doesn't run their own web server or configure their own local WordPress site. WordPress is a free open source Content Management System (CMS) commonly used for blogging. In case there was any doubt I'm a nerd, I recently set up WordPress v4.9.5 on my web server.